Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Global Warming, Fact Or Fiction What Is The Evidence For...

Assignment #1- Global Warming, fact or fiction? What is the evidence for or against? Global warming is a constant topic that is frequently discussed throughout the world. Many people including environmentalist, study this topic to determine the seriousness and world impact. The typical understanding of this concept â€Å"global warming† is known to be the total long-term intensification in the temperature present in the atmosphere (3). When discussing this topic, it is still important to consider the fact if Global Warming is actually fact or fiction. In order to evaluate this controversial issue, one would need to discuss evidence for or against the idea of global warming. To further discuss this topic, one should evaluate valid sources that can support one’s conclusions. I believe that Global warming is in fact true and that the evidence that we see in regards to the temperature change and environmental change does defend my perspective. Studies have shown that global surface temperature has increased about 0.74 °C within the last century. The glob al surface temperature is also expected to increase by another 3–5 °C in 100 years to come (5). Even though this relatively small number may seem insignificant to many people, it has caused many changes to the overall atmosphere that can be further discussed. Changes that are associated with the atmosphere and also the climate change have an influence on the biosphere and human environment (1). The warming of earthsShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming: Fact or Fiction1089 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal Warming: Fact or Fiction Lower Capstone – Unit 3 Independent Project Rozlynn Mundy American InterContinental University Online July 4, 2010 Title: Global Warming: Fact or Fiction Abstract Introduction I. Overview of Global Warming A. Signs of global warming a. Support b. Skepticism II. Effects of Global Warming A. Contributors to global a. Manmade b. 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