Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Abortions Prevent Child Abuse and Poverty Essay - 518 Words

Abortion is one of the most controversial issues in America today. There are approximately 1.5 million abortions every year in this country. Abortion was made legal in the 1970s. However, pro-life activists argue that it is no different than murder. Should the government have the right to take away a womens right to make decisions regarding her own body? The main issue that pro-life people have with abortion is that they believe it causes an unborn child to suffer. However, many children whos mothers want to have an abortion have a reasonable cause and the child is better off being aborted. Most unwanted children are abused and neglected. Some are born addicted to drugs. Why should we make innocent, young children suffer with being†¦show more content†¦Also, the pro-life kids are the ones who shun other children who are from low-income families. Instead of worrying about abortion, it is critical that we worry about children already alive who are being tortured by abusive parents and who are living in poverty. Would anyone want to be born addicted to crack and have withdrawal symtoms and be neglected? Wouldnt it be better to just go back to Heaven with GOD, who takes better care of them. Another issue is world population. Currently, it is over 6 billion. The world is running out of resources. We need to take care of those who are alive already instead of bringing more people into the world who we cannot take care of. Womens rights are guaranteed by the Constitution. It is none of anyone elses business to decide what a women faced with an unwanted pregnancy should do. The Bible does NOT condemn abortion, it is perfectly Christian to be pro-choice. No one understands what it is like to be in the situation until they are there. Girls as young as 12 are becoming pregnant. If they were forced to keep the child, they would live in poverty the rest of their lives and others would look down on them. No one would want to marry them ever and 80 percent of the boys never marry their babys mother. It would be extremely difficult for a teenager to finish high school, much lessShow MoreRelatedCauses and Effects of Teenage Pregnancy Essay813 Words   |  4 Pagesand teens a. Weak relationship b. Too strong of a relationship 3. Drugs 4. Trends a. Social b. Media 5. Abuse B. Effects 1. Unwanted/ unplanned pregnancy 2. Abortion 3. Neglect/ Child abuse 4. Complications a. Maternal deaths b. Birth defects 5. Incomplete education a. Unemployment b. Poverty 6. Social embarrassment 7. Never-ending cycle C. Prevention 1. Self-control a. Abstinence b. Safe sex i. 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